This week I printed my book and started hand binding it.



Hand scoring!

I tried printing the seed pages on this Cairn Eco – but we only had straw in a really heavy weight, and I thought this one came out way too grey. Instead I found some really lovely creamy Munken. The mixture of papers/textures is really coming together now!
The book block is coming together well, although the paper the lino prints on has proved to be difficult as I was worried about.
Luckily being 100% cotton, it has some give in the fibres if you really give it a bashing. So I spent ages buckling and massaging the spine to give it some flexibility.
It still springs open a bit too much, but I can’t do much more about it!
I need to get everything finished so I can trim down the book block next week. I’m on a tight schedule but I think I can make it.
I’ve also booked a meeting with Sarah Bell to go over the final project on the 15th of August – not long now!