(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''What kind of an Entrepreneur should you be?'']
(t8n-depart:"dissolve")[[I already know!->I already know]]
[[I don't know, can you help me?->Are you evil?]]
(align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX==")[That's great! Go out and do!](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''Are you evil?''
That's quite rude! But I guess...
[[Yes I'm evil->Traditional]]
[[No way!->No Way]]
|==|](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''Congratulations! ''
You may be a traditional capitalist entrepreneur.
Get out there and have fun trampling puppies for profit. You will need to be ruthless, resilient, agile, tenacious and passionate. Who cares about ethics when profits are available?](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''That's great to hear! ''
But... are you sure you're not just a //little// bit evil?
[[Okay, sure,
you got me->Traditional]]
[[Definitely not!->Nope]]
[[I mean, I guess maybe?->MLM]]
](align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[(align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''You should try getting involved with an MLM!''
It isn't really being an entrepreneur, but you can fool gullible people into thinking they are and profit heartily. Remember to get in on the ground floor though! If you're not taking advantage of people it won't work! You will need to be ruthless and happy to sell other people an impossible dream.]](align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[''Do you have an idea you are passionate about?'']
[[No :(->no :(]]
|==|](align:"=><=")+(box:"===XXXXXXXXXXXXXX===")[''Do you know someone else with a great idea?''
[[Yes!->someone else's idea]]
[[Not really->Franchise]]
[[Can you steal it from them and leave them penniless?->Traditional]]
[[Do you want to help them develop because you believe in it?->collaborative]]
You might be a good fit to open a franchise! You don't have to start from scratch. You will need to be resilient, agile, and tenacious. Some experience in the industry you are starting in is recommended. ](align:"=><=")+(box:"XXXX=")[''Congratulations!''
You might be best as a collaborative entrepreneur. Working with someone else to develop an idea you are both passionate about is a great start! You can be any other type of entrepreneur alongside this, as long as you are resilient, agile, tenacious and passionate about your partner's idea. Working with someone else is also a fantastic way to develop your own ideas, you didn't really think you didn't have any did you? Good luck! ](align:"=><=")+(box:"XXXX=")[''Is your idea focused on making money?''
[[Money would be nice, but I'm more passionate about the idea->idea more important]]
[[No, lets overthrow capitalism, or at least make the world a better place->socialist]]
You might be a regular entrepreneur. Develop your idea and try to sell it. You might be interested in starting a small business, a scalable startup or trying to take over the world (but in a not evil way!) You will need to be resilient, agile, tenacious and passionate. You will also need to be comfortable with taking risks in hope of a payoff, while staying true to your ethical ideals. Good luck!]](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''Congratulations!''
You might be a design entrepreneur. You have a unique vision and want to bring it to life! You may overlap with other types of entrepreneurs and you will need to be resilient, agile, tenacious and passionate while being true to your idea. Develop your network, collaborate with others to strengthen your ideas and see it through. Good luck!](align:"=><=")+(box:"X")[''Congratulations!''
You might be a social entrepreneurist. You want to shake up the world and make it a better place. You will need to be resilient, agile, tenacious and passionate while remaining true to your ideals. Take risks and be focused on your goal. Good luck!]